Thursday, April 16, 2009

Liyah Revisited

Now that I've done a few of these images, I'm understanding more and more the impact of color. I know that sounds like a "duh" moment, but I was so caught up with working the new style that I didn't think so much about what a slap to the eye that red can be. I've had a number of comments about the image of Liyah. Sure, if I was illustrating an article about someone who had been murdered or their heart broken, the original color scheme would work well.

Thank God for Photoshop. Since each of the images is built in layers (pencil drawing, watercolor, photo) I can go back in and play with the hues. What a huge difference.


Andrew Springman said...

I like the green one better. No longer has the First Person Shooter look :)

Unknown said...

I like the blue one...but would like to see the color not compete with the beauty and the tranquility of the face...she is so contemplative...maybe a bit more greyed out? You are getting there...The green seems to be the first thing you see in the green one...and the blue is even steven with the face. Something needs to be first...